Supporting all people living with or at risk of diabetes.

Organized Diabetes Care

Our Programs

JKDF supports diabetes camps and retreats, diabetes screening activities with comprehensive follow-up care plans, infrastructure and equipment acquisition for existing diabetes care facilities and training of professionals and community diabetes educators.

1. Diabetes Self Management Education

Providing group & personal education

Literacy is the key to solving health care. Diabetes care and education specialists are trained to provide collaborative, comprehensive, and person-centered care and education to people with diabetes.

Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease requiring daily self management decisions. Our Education programs ensures that patients and individuals at risk receive the education and support they need to navigate the intricacies of daily self management.

2.Medication and Supplies Assistance 

Our supply assistance can include: Glucometers, test stripes, syringes and Insulin.

JKDF’s Medication Assistance Program provides a short-term supply of diabetes medication and supplies to children and adults who are struggling and in financial distress and cannot afford diabetes medications. 

In addition to a short-term supply, JKDF directs the participant to a long-term medication solution to ensure that he or she can remain on track with their healthcare regimen.

In order to JOIN for this program, participants must have prescription(s) from an accredited physician.

3. Medical Transportation Assistance


Just a trip away from good health.

Whether patients  are going to see an endocrinologist, primary physician, or a lab for a blood test, JK Diabetes Foundation’s Transportation Assistance Program helps individuals affected by diabetes to get to medical appointments when they can’t get there by themselves.

Get Involved!

Together we can make the difference


All cash donations are eligible for a full tax exemption.

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Most of our workforce is comprised of volunteers. If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate to others, or a skill that can be shared, we will be happy to channel it in the right direction.


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